
CSInputs is a C# library that enables developers to send and read mouse and keyboard inputs in WinForms, WPF and Console Applications.

It allows users to interact with applications even when their window is inactive.

WinForms / Console Application .NET Framework 3.5+


You can install this package from Nuget Package Manager.

Install-Package CSInputs


dotnet add package CSInputs

Usage Examples

-Send Inputs

Keyboard Inputs:

SendInput.Keyboard.SendString("Hello World!");

Mouse Inputs:

SendInput.Mouse.Send(MouseKeys.MouseLeft,Enums.KeyFlags.Up); SendInput.Mouse.Send(MouseKeys.MouseLeft, KeyFlags.Down,new Point(150, 123),MousePositioning.Absolute);
SendInput.Mouse.Send(MouseKeys.MouseLeft, KeyFlags.Down,new Point(-5, -30),MousePositioning.Relative); SendInput.Mouse.MoveTo(new Point(150, 123), Enums.MousePositioning.Absolute);

-Listen Inputs

First you need to instantiate a input listener.

ReadInput.InputListener listener = new ReadInput.InputListener();

Then you can subscribe for keyboard or mouse events to listen inputs.

listener.KeyboardInputs += Listener_KeyboardInputs;
listener.MouseInputs += Listener_MouseInputs;

-Sample Console Application

using System;
//System.Windows.Forms is required to work on console applications. so dont forget to add the reference.
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CSInputs.Enums;
using CSInputs.ReadInput;
using CSInputs.Structs; internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Instantiate InputListener
InputListener inputListener = new InputListener();

// Subscribe to KeyboardInputs event handler to listen keyboard inputs.
inputListener.KeyboardInputs += InputListener_KeyboardInputs;

// Subscribe to MouseInputs event handler to listen mouse inputs.
inputListener.MouseInputs += InputListener_MouseInputs;
Application.Run(); // Required to work on console applications,
} private static void InputListener_MouseInputs(MouseData data, ref ModifierKey modifierKey)
if (data.Key == MouseKeys.MouseRight && data.Flags == KeyFlags.Up)
Console.WriteLine("Someone just released the \"Right Click\"!");
} private static void InputListener_KeyboardInputs(KeyboardData data, ref ModifierKey modifierKey)
if (data.Key == KeyboardKeys.Space && data.Flags == KeyFlags.Up)
Console.WriteLine("Someone just released the \"Space\" key!");

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